Madison Square Park

Named after James Madison, our 4th American President, Madison Square Park was created in 1686, and became an official park to the public in 1847. The area in which the park is located is also known as Madison Square. Bordered by Madison Avenue and 5th Avenue, Madison Square was known to be a park for the elitist in Manhattan. Even with its pronounced location within Manhattan, the park did become somewhat of an eye-sore by the 1990s, and underwent a 2.5 million dollar renovation, funded by prominent figures like New York Life Insurance Company, Union Square Hospitality Group, and Rudin Management. With the renovation, original elements were restored back to the state that made Madison Square Park such a beautiful park to begin with.

The park is 6.2 acres of intricate design, and located in the Flatiron District, and in an area where Manhattan grew most of its prominent figures like Theodore Roosevelt and Winston Churchill’s mother, Jennie Jerome.

Historical Landmarks are not all that surround Madison Square; there were also many historical events that paved way for many Americans today. For example, Madison Square was the location of rioters during The Draft Riots in 1863 – riots initiated by new laws passed by Congress that required men to be drafted into The American Civil War – and the Democratic political rally for Presidential candidate General George B. McClellan who was running against Abraham Lincoln.

Madison Square was also the location of the original Ceremonial arches constructed in honor of George Washington for his Inaugural swear-in as the Nation’s first President. Though the arches were temporary, one arch remains preserved in the park that is now dedicated to our first president; Washington Square Park.

Madison Square is known for other monumental moments in history like the lighting of the first community Christmas tree in America in 1912. In fact, the arm and the torch that now belong to Lady Liberty also stood in the park for 6 years in 1876, before funds were raised to complete the rest of the statue!

Madison Square serves as an important destination for tourists to visit with its timelessness and legendary folklore, and the best way to hear these outstanding tales is with a Licensed Tour Guide that can walk you through the entire park. Walk along and hear the best tales from the locals, so you can return home and let all of your family and friends in on the stories that built a government, group of people and a Nation.